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Myra Falls (Strathcona Park, BC)


Myra Falls is a beautiful waterfall that is located in Strathcona Park. There is an upper and lower Myra Fallas, but the lower falls are absolutely breathtaking. The water is a majestic turquoise green and it is crystal clear. We went in mid August, and despite the glacial temperatures we still got up the nerve to go for a quick swim. It is a great spot to hang out for the day and picnic, or just a great area to venture and take a walk.


The trail is a quick 1.2 km loop and there is about 100m elevation loss on the way to the lower Myra Falls from the parking lot. We were running short on time, so we did not do the Upper Myra Falls. However, if you end up doing the upper falls it is a 3km one way trail to the falls through old growth forest.


The summer is a great time to visit the falls because you can swim and suntan on the rock. On the other hand, if you really want to see amazing waterfalls you should go in the spring because the falls spread out widely across the rocky terrain. Whatever season you decide to go in, Myra Falls is surely a spot you won’t regret driving too.

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Driving Directions

We drove from Nanaimo and it took us roughly 3 hours to get to the parking lot for Myra Falls. Your drive along the  Island highway north to Campbell River, then take a left onto highway 28. Then take Westmin Road south to Lower Myra Falls parking lot. Everything is paved, so any vehicle is fine.

The drive out to the falls is very scenic and there are several road side stops along the way.  After you pass Campbell River you drive by Upper Campbell Lake and then you drive along Buttle Lake until the falls. The mountains encompass both sides of the road and the lake side drive is really beautiful. There are a lot of cool hikes along the way if you have the time, and there are a couple different provincial camp sites hat you can stay at. You can even rent cabins at the Strathcona Park Lodge, or just stop their for some drinks and food.

[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d41392.16970350675!2d-125.5991217213905!3d49.57868887936456!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x54883246fa7aca37{05563ee440b8691600683906a6c3c3b7991e5ec3c24fb480a28e674e62e87cf8}3A0x98edabc09208603!2sLower+Myra+falls!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sca!4v1503677550927&w=600&h=450]




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